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When considering a particular segment of land for grazing, we first must determine its carrying capacity based on forage production, forage quality, age and sex of the animal, then we multiply that by… blah, blah, blah, blah. Right??


Even though every single one us are entirely dependent on the productivity of our soil, ag is still boring to most of us. It isn’t an attractive topic.


I’d like to stomp the brakes for just a second though. You don’t have to geek out over the intricacies of production but you must be engaged to the point that you understand what you are buying and ultimately supporting. If you are living, you are participating in agricultural production systems.


The question is, what are you supporting?


MIG is an acronym for Management Intensive Grazing. It’s our internal ranch lingo way of saying “raised as nature intended”. Modern infrastructure such as highways, property boundaries, cities, homes, etc., have changed the landscape to the point that natural herd migration is no longer feasible throughout most of the country. Holistic MIG assesses the landscape, determines the amount of animals it can support including wildlife, develops a fencing layout and then uses skilled ranchers to closely monitor the amount of available forage which determines when the herd is moved onto the next pasture, often moving daily and in some cases multiple times per day, replicating the herd migration patterns of old, symbiotically building soil and improving the surrounding ecosystem for all species to thrive in.


Bottom line is, do your homework and know who you are buying from and what you are supporting because it matters. Take some time to ponder some of the implications (good or bad) of the brands you support.


Live well this week,

Sean and the Northstar Tribe


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