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It’s an interesting time of year… when everyone sets their sights on the stars, ready to conquer the world and radically change their lives. The confident side of us says, “I will”. Reality is, 95% of us don’t. Becausedrastic change takes too much thought, energy and sacrifice to be sustainable. We’re burned out and back where we started by Valentine’s Day. Let’s take a step back, assess the best, most impactful change we could make and commit to it. Make a small, lasting change.


If you’ve got health or weight loss goals, consider your diet or consistent, practical exercise. But don’t try to implement both at the same time. Financial goals may start with spending less than you make. Goals of investing or saving more may be for next year. Personal development goals may start with a simple book on Audible during your commute. A wise guy once said, you can excel at 2, maybe 3 things in life. What are they going to be?


Success is never overnight. It is the sum of many small, consistent, seemingly insignificant, incremental efforts.


Consider your goals. Break them down. Make them bite sized.


We always say 80% of the battle in eating well is having it within reach. And eating well affects your mental & physical well-being. It’s the foundation upon which we build our day.


We hope you can clear your mind for a few minutes to consider and commit to impactful change. This year is fresh and ripe with opportunity.


Be Nourished!

Mary and the Northstar Tribe


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