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The Imperfect Little Farm  

Small family farms are cute, neat and cuddly in books and our imaginations. “Rainbows and Unicorns” in Disney terms. In reality, they’re kinda messy. You’ll get the occasional poo on an egg (or your shoe), awkward packaging (or people), busy chaos (careful, you might get put to work!), random critters in our yard (or yours), open all hours (except Sunday mornings), lawn a little ragged and the compost pile messy (which just adds a little extra dishevelment flavor), they smell bad sometimes (and now you do too), animals born (so we can adore them), animals sadly die (so we can be reminded of the value of life), the veggies are lumpy (but filled with nutrients), the dog may growl (she’s just makin’ sure you’re safe ;), the fruit may have a worm (better than pesticides).


But the lack of “perfection” is made up for in beauty. Once understood, the “weeds” are in the garden for a purpose, the faint farm smell comes with the territory of building soil, the chaos comes with abundant life, busy because we’re excited about what we get to do; raise good food for good people, just like you.


Life in community is messy. But that’s where life is best lived.


Live well this week and enjoy the messes in your life,

Sean and the Northstar Tribe


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