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Roasted Marrow Bones

Marrow bones are a new delicacy and very easy to prepare. Nutritionally they are loaded with glycine and gelatin(protein). Nothing is better forhealing and /or staying healthy.  



Serving Size:2-3 bones

Prep Time:2 minutes

Cook Time:30 minutes



1 lb of Bison Marrow Bones, 1-1.5 inch thickness

1 head garlic


Preheat oven at 450 degrees.

Place marrow bones cut side up on metal, ceramic or stoneware baking dish or sheet. Place garlic head on dish also.

Sprinkle with sea-salt & pepper.  

Place bones in oven and bake for 30 minutes.  

Closing Thoughts:

I ate the marrow with a snall spoon with the garlic. You can use the bones after finishing the marrow by adding them to water for broth for drinking or soup.




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