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Allan Savory is a rebel in agriculture, a stalwart of asking "why?". Agriculture isn't the problem, it's the way we're doing agriculture that is the issue. Savory began to understand this complex while in South Africa trying to save wildlife and landscapes from extinction. Recreating the natural cycles of massive migrating grazing herds with the whole in mind birthed holistic ranch management in the 80's by Mr. Allan Savory.  

Savory Institute is a thought leader in Regenerative Agriculture through the lens of how all things are interconnected. Savory is a great resource to immerse your mind into a new way of seeing landscapes in the way they were intended to function. Our Regeneration Nation would not be complete without the Savory Institute!

Watch the films below or visit Savory's website @

What is good for the land is, ironically, also good for people.
They cannot exist independent of each other.


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