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What Breeds Do You Use?


Bison: 100% American Bison

Elk:100% Rocky Mountain Elk

Beef: We prefer genetic and breed diversity but find common inflouence of hardy Angus lines (Black & Red Angus). we tend to have colorful cattle becuase we are the most interested in empowering the rnachers to be the best steward of resources. Cattle of all breeds are potential to regenerate their landscape and can be the beneficiary of the healthy ecosystem they promote. Cattle that are healthy and fat are our highest priority.

Pork: We do not use a specific breed for our Pork. We harvest the healthiest Pork that our ranchers raise.

Chicken:Cornish Cross

Turkey:Broad Breasted White Turkey

Goat:We do not use a specific breed for our Goat. We harvest the healthiest Goat that our ranchers raise.

Lamb: Dorper, Texel, and Suffolk Cross

Rabbit: We do not use a specific breed for our Rabbit. We harvest the healthiest Rabbit our ranchers raise.


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