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#1 - Everything TASTES better when your own sweat is in the recipe.

#2 - Your PEACE OF MIND is maxxed when you control every ingredient.

#3 - Homemade sausage making is THERAPY.

Sausage making is ancient, woven through the fabric of time and tradition. Family gathers or buddies show up to build memories and fill the freezer. Going back to the freezer throughout the year resurfaces those fond memories and somehow the sausage tastes even better. For others, grinding your own meat or making your own sausage is simply done out of necessity. Because you simply cannot risk not knowing exactly what is in your food.

Whichever camp you're in, we fully understand.

In this day and age, procuring high quality raw materials is extremely challenging. We realize not everyone hunts, and even for those that do, odds of success are a scant 1 in 10.

Our brand new DIY section is intended to allow you access to our lean, clean, highly trusted, quality raw materials with which you can let your creativity flow with the greatest peace of mind. Our "As Nature Intended" filter produces the quality of protein often only found miles from the trail head.

Your gateway to the quality of meat you’re hunting for is here.

“The final product can only ever be as good as the sum of its ingredients.” Amen.

Smell the smoker? Dream on. Drool on.

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