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Rocky Mountain Elk Brisket-3lb

A most unique kind of brisket from our 100% Rocky Mountain Elk, just as if you'd hunted it and packed it deep out of the backcountry yourself. Best roasted, baked, or corned turns out to be a meal you won't soon forget. Leaner than typical beef brisket yet moist and extremely flavorful, when prepared correctly. Brisket has additional nutritient density that many other cuts don't have due to the amount of use this muscle gets climbing steep terrain. 
Field Harvested Rocky Mountain Elk Brisket... now that's unique.
  • 3 lbs each
*Note; If you plan to smoke an elk brisket, it's a great idea to first roast or bake in a covered pan, then finish it in foil in the smoker. Open-air smoking will dry it out and you won't enjoy the end result. 


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