It feels unfair. In fact it is. Up until the 1930's, regenerative farming & ranching was the only way. The modern industrial crop farming phenomenon changed the game. CAFOs = cheaper food, higher profits, and far greater control of outcomes. It's manageable, however, CAFOs don’t play by the rules of better for the land, the animals, or people but yet regenerative product pricing and eating experience quality attributes get compared to feedlot beef or CAFO chicken on the regular… Like feedlot/CAFO is the new baseline of expectation and as you move up the price ladder, you subconsciously gradually elevate consumer experience expectation. While we believe with our entire beings that raised, harvested, and processed as nature intended creates an amazing consumer experience, that’s not the only goal. The goal is to raise, harvest, and process meatas nature intended for the health & betterment of the land, animals, and people. Food you can actuallyfeel good about eating. Moving the center on morality(natural & humane living conditions & diet)to create an unnatural eating experience at the expense of animal welfare is, well, certainly not as nature intended and arguably preposterous. Medicating livestock against mass death loss & disease to cheapen the cost of production in order to fit into more people's pocket book is unethical. (Yes, affordable food, accessible by everyone is critical but “cheap food” raised unnaturally cheats everyone & everything in the long run.) Forceful factory slaughter to shave cost is saddening. What is morality worth? What is health & vitality worth? "Mainstream meat" is cheating the land, the animal, and the consumer in the name of profits. Animal diet can be debated but respect for life is a requirement, not an optional, “luxury attribute”. |